
global food safety managements and trends 全球食品安全管理及 .ppt

global food safety managements and trends 全球食品安全管理及 .ppt

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global food safety managements and trends 全球食品安全管理及

Global Food Safety Managements and Trends 全球食品安全管理及其发展趋势 杨明亮 湖北省卫生厅卫生监督局 全球食品安全管理及其发展趋势 食品安全管理及相关的定义 食品安全管理的重要性 食品安全管理的立法 食品安全管理的战略构架 食品安全管理的发展趋势 食品安全管理及相关的定义 食品安全指确保食品按照其用途进行加工或者食用时不会对消费者产生危害.(Food safety: Assurance that food will not cause harm to the consumer when it is prepared and/or eaten according to its intended use, from CAC). 食品保障指为了健康生活每个人在任何时间都可获得食物(Food security: Access by all people at all times to the food needed for a healthy life, from FAO/WHO 1992). Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. 食品安全管理及相关的定义 食品卫生指食物链的整个环节上保证食品安全和食品适宜性所采取的所有必需的条件和措施(Food hygiene: All conditions and measures necessary to ensure the safety and suitability of food at all stages of the food chain, from CAC). Food sanitation: Processes of handling, preparing, serving, storing and disposing of foods to prevent them from becoming contaminated by substances and conditions harmful to human health. 食品安全管理及相关的定义 Food - hygiene and sanitation Definition Food safety refers to the conditions and practices that preserve the quality of food to prevent contamination and food-borne illnesses. Alternative Names Sanitation - food and hygiene; Hygiene - food and sanitation; Food safety 食品安全管理及相关的定义 Food hygiene: all measures necessary for ensuring the safety wholesomeness and soundness of food at all stages from its growth, production, or manufacture until its final consumption. Food safety: Assurance that food will not cause harm to the consumer when it is prepared and/or eaten according to its intended use. Food security: Access by all people at all times to the food needed for a healthy life 食品安全管理及相关的定义 食品质量指食品固有的特性,并符合标准的要求. 食品质量的特性表现在4个方面:①营养特性(2)卫生特性,③感官特性,④功能特性. Food quality: Food quality is an intrinsic property of food by which it meets pre-defined standard requirements. Determinants of food quality can be


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