
Chinese population policy 课件.ppt

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Chinese population policy 课件

1.General introduction The one-child policy is the population control policy of China. It officially restricts the number of children married urban couples can have to one, although it allows exemptions for several cases, including rural couples, ethnic minorities, and parents without any siblings themselves. 2.purpose To control Chinese population To alleviate[减轻,缓和]social, economic, and environmental problems effective Control Chinese population It has prevented more than 250 million births from 1978 to 2000. provide a better health service for women a reduction in the risks of death and injury associated with pregnancy. Increased savings rate The individual savings rate increased because the average Chinese household expends fewer time money on one child. Economic growth The original intent of the one-child policy was economic, to reduce the demand of natural resources, maintaining a steady labor rate, reducing unemployment caused from surplus labor, and reducing the rate of exploitation【开发、利用】. 4.disadvantages Side effects on female population Reason: son preference Son support the parents in their old age while daughters can not . Consequence:gender imbalance. Male population outstrip female population. Gender-based birthrate disparity The sex ratio in mainland China reached 117:100 in 2000, which higher than the natural baseline [103:100 ---107:100] . A study shows that there will be 30 million more men than women in 2020. Gender-selected abortion infanticide [杀害婴儿] Some people are eager to want a son so that they do abortion or kill their daughter . Chinas family planning programs contribute to infanticide. The Four-Two-One problem one adult child have to support for his or her two parents and four grandparents. If the older generation’s retirement funds , pensions, or state welfare should fail, the young generation will under a huge stress. Viola


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