
2013中国石油大学油层物理 第一阶段在线作业(The first stage of oil - layer physics of China petroleum university in 2013).doc

2013中国石油大学油层物理 第一阶段在线作业(The first stage of oil - layer physics of China petroleum university in 2013).doc

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2013中国石油大学油层物理 第一阶段在线作业(The first stage of oil - layer physics of China petroleum university in 2013)

2013中国石油大学油层物理 第一阶段在线作业(The first stage of oil - layer physics of China petroleum university in 2013) The following is a false statement about the development of the oil layer physics. Your answer: D Topic score: 0.5 Score: 0.5 Notation: the development of oil layer physics The significance of studying the materialized properties of stratigraphic fluids is that Your answer: B Topic score: 0.5 Score: 0.5 Notation: the significance of the research on the materialized properties of the formation fluid The third problem is that oil and natural gas are chemically identical. It is now determined that the hydrocarbons in petroleum are mainly composed of three kinds of saturated hydrocarbons, such as alkane, naphthene and aromatic hydrocarbon. Natural gas is primarily an alkane. Your answer: A, Topic score: 0.5 Score: 0.5 Note: gas composition Number 4, alkanes, due to the different size of molecular weight, existence form is different also, at room temperature under atmospheric pressure (20 ℃ and 0.1 MPa), to solid, the so-called paraffin wax, to dissolve or crystalline state exist in oil. Your answer: C Topic score: 0.5 Score: 0.5 Note: the normal temperature of alkanes is present in form Question 5. The following are not the hydrocarbon compounds in oil. Your answer: D Topic score: 0.5 Score: 0.5 Notation: what are hydrocarbons Article 6 the international petroleum market evaluates the main indicators of the nature of petroleum commodities not including the following Your answer: C Topic score: 0.5 Score: 0.5 Remarks: the criteria for evaluating the quality of oil Number 7 indicates that the parameters of the oil physical properties do not include the following Your answer: A, Topic score: 0.5 Score: 0.5 Note: what are the oil property parameters 8 known 60 ℉ (15.6 ℃), the relative density of crude oil is 1, then the crude API degrees for -- Your answer: B Topic score: 0.5 Score: 0.5 Note: API definition Article 9 the ground oil is usually classified and evaluated accord



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