
76-辅助物理教学系统的设计(76 - design of auxiliary physics teaching system).doc

76-辅助物理教学系统的设计(76 - design of auxiliary physics teaching system).doc

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76-辅助物理教学系统的设计(76 - design of auxiliary physics teaching system)

76-辅助物理教学系统的设计(76 - design of auxiliary physics teaching system) The design of auxiliary physics teaching system The construction of physical teaching digital library Zhao yjie (nankai university library, tianjin 300071) Abstract: this paper mainly discusses the teaching model of the digital library, and based on physics teaching mode of digital library as an example, to analyze the key problems in its construction and design, to better provide supplementary role for physics teaching. Key words: digital library, teaching digital library, physics teaching The design of auxiliary physics teaching System -- Research on the construction of the teaching - Oriented physical digital library Zhao Yajie (Library, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China) Abstract: This paper mainly discusses the construction ideas about the would - Oriented digital libraries, and illustrates by the example of physics would, and focuses on the analysis and design about some key issues in This construction, thus provides an auxiliary role for physical education. Keywords: digital library, teaching - Oriented digital library, physics teaching The introduction Digital library is a kind of digital information resource with rich multimedia and rich content. It is a service platform which can provide information for users easily and quickly. At present, digital library and library digital resources in universities are mainly research-based, mainly research services. About teaching model of network auxiliary services also few, but the teaching material resources is our country university library is the library in teaching oriented college, from the main body, so as a useful supplement rich collection service, teaching type digital services are worth value and construction of university library. This paper mainly takes the physical teaching digital library as an example to analyze and design the key problems in its construction. Through the construction of the teaching model of digital library, for a



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