
9.6 空间向量的坐标运算(The coordinate operation of the space vector).doc

9.6 空间向量的坐标运算(The coordinate operation of the space vector).doc

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9.6 空间向量的坐标运算(The coordinate operation of the space vector)

9.6 空间向量的坐标运算(The coordinate operation of the space vector) The coordinate operation of the space vector Research method guidance 1. The determination of vector coordinates, the Angle formula and the application of distance formula are the difficulties of this section. To determine the vector coordinates, it is necessary to select rectangular coordinate system, in order to make convenient for the coordinates of the point calculation and proof, be sure to analyze the structural characteristics of space geometry. Pick the right point for the origin, the appropriate line and the direction axis. Next to the flexible use of plane geometry knowledge, line and plane knowledge to find the dot. The coordinates of the origin of coordinates is often chosen together multiple vertical point. 2. Space vector operations similar to the surface of the coordinates of the two vector coordinate operation, keep in mind the computing formula is the key to the application. These formulas for us with the knowledge of the vector to solve the problem of solid geometry provides a powerful tool. Space vector Angle formula similar to the surface of two vector Angle formula. If we put a space geometry in an appropriate space rectangular coordinate system, then we can use this formula makes it easy to calculate the lines on the geometry Angle. Space distance formula between two points is the development of space vector length formula, its form is similar to the distance of two points on the surface of the formula, if know the coordinates of any two points on a space geometry, we have a ready-made. Should be specified, the above two formulas are has nothing to do with the origin of coordinates selection. Because of a certain geometry, the lines, little distance is fixed Angle. Coordinate the establishment of the position is different, just will influence the calculation jianfan. 3. The orthogonal coordinate operation of common vectors to prove the vertical and horizontal problem of vectors; Using



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