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AR模型(AR model)
AR模型(AR model)
This article is contributed by dadadali001
Volume 5, phase 2
20cr7 June
Journal of nanjing institute of engineering (natural science edition) J is nal
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V01.5. No. 2
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TecllIlolo stare (Natural Sci infinity Edi60n)
Jun. 2007
Article no. : 1672 -- 2558 (2007) 02 0045 -- 05
AR model is applied to the study of vibration signal trend prediction
Yang hao, huang dongsheng
(changsha institute of automobile and mechanical engineering, changsha, hunan, 410076)
Abstract: the trend prediction of vibration signal of equipment condition monitoring and fault diagnosis is an important content. This article is about the basic method of random signal modeling and model set criteria, and discusses the optimal order number of bearing vibration signal selection problem. Validated with field measured data, the calculation results show that using Burg algorithm of AR model can well fit the bearing vibration signal time series, and has a certain accuracy, can meet the prediction requirements. Keywords: random signal; AR model; Burg algorithm; In the forecast, classification number: 0329 document identification code: A
A Study of AR
For Trend F0recast of vibration Signals
YANG Hao, HUANG Dong - sheng
(Dept. Of
Automobile and Mechanical Engineering, Changsha
Changsha UniVersity of science technology,
410076, China)
Abstmct: Trend forec caries t of vibmtion aIs is Ming imponant si seal
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