
autocad2007教材(Autocad2007 materials).doc

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autocad2007教材(Autocad2007 materials)

autocad2007教材(Autocad2007 materials) Software name: AutoCAD 2004 Lesson one: An overview of CAD C - Computer Computer A - Aided auxiliary D - the Design Design CAD is computer aided design software Introduction to software: AutoCAD is a software developed by U.S. Auto desk to make graphic graphics History of CAD The primary stage - the release of Auto CAD1.0 in November 1982 In April 1983, the version of Auto CAD1.2 appeared In August 1983, there was a version of Auto CAD1.3 The release of Auto CAD1.4 appeared in October 1983 In October 1984, there was a version of Auto CAD2.0 In the development phase, Auto CAD2.17 and 2.18 appeared on the mouse scroll in May 1985 The release of Auto CAD2.5 appeared in June 1986 In September 1987, there were versions of Auto CAD9.0 and 9.03 The advanced stage of development: Auto CAD version 12.0 appeared in August 1988 In December 1988, Auto CAD R 12.0 for Dos was introduced In June 1996, Auto CAD R 12.0 for Windows appeared Advanced stage of development: Auto CAD R 13.0 for Windows in January 1998 In January 1999, Auto CAD 2000 for Windows appeared In September 2001, Auto CAD 2002for Windows In May 2003, Auto CAD 2004 for Windows appeared What we learned was the 2004 edition Application: make construction drawings, construction drawings, mechanical drawings, circuit diagrams, clothing drawings, etc. Ii. Window composition: Title bar: The menu bar: Toolbar: the default six (standard toolbar, layer toolbar, object feature, drawing toolbar, modify toolbar, style toolbar) View area: working interface, including two parts (coordinate axes and cross cursors) Model and layout: design drawing in model space, usually printed in the layout drawings, layout on behalf of the drawings, known as the drawing space, each layout can contain different print setup and drawing size, right-click on the shortcut menu layout Command input area: a place for the user to enter the command through the keyboard, below the graphical window, and open by the s



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