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CAD高级技巧(Advanced CAD skills)
CAD高级技巧(Advanced CAD skills)
嗀 utoCAD lean 鏬 YhQ
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1. ACAD tools 癳 Kbf [` N Quan 宑 醕 N Xu euro 鏬 b/f
N/fO Diao 梍 Yuan GS 坃 隷 JU?
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2. R e problem ? problem bravely and AutoCAD b her jR
俌 @ b: y, 亯 鵞 Yin 钀 RW (sayin hammer/fvQ 諲 Bian Fh) y 魐 bravely and pale green wade L 埩 坖 R 愰 her jR Bian LuT dozens 愰 b 亯 her jR, pale green, he bravely and sS sayin £1/2 level NAutoCAD 貜 g 儚 : N euro {wc who bravely and splash 俌 N
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4. 俌 UO (WWORDh? H - N_ (uACAD b_MOlQ bravely 頬?? (俌 Fh: S @ b: y)
VQ e £1/2 level, _N euro {US, FO1 \ ` 钀 R
NbeN 諎!
1. \ ACAD tools 虁 bravely of 緥 : N} vr? TR (WWORD - N
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2. (WACAD - NUS 靣 魐 h 鑜 b_MOlQ 頬 Fh, = \ 蠎 e Y f: Y 髞 te * N 貇 : S.
3. O (uACAD copyclip bravely (鱞 Bo 仒? | 4 g)} T pin,? Nb_MOlQ 頬 Fh.
4. Rbc 髞 WORD bravely and h? H - N, 4 Xian 榺 S sayin, FOdk Quan te * Nh? HO 珗 $c 梍 坃 qN, dk euro 筽 Quan sa
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