
SQL PLSQL编码规范(SQL PLSQL coding specification).doc

SQL PLSQL编码规范(SQL PLSQL coding specification).doc

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SQL PLSQL编码规范(SQL PLSQL coding specification)

SQL PLSQL编码规范(SQL PLSQL coding specification) SQL, PL/SQL programming specification Limitations that must be accepted: · integrity is impossible; · consistency is impossible; Usually reserved words and keywords should be capitalized, but custom functions are usually less strict. Suffix name specification Maintain the code in the text file, rather than relying on the tool, which allows for versioning, while protecting the code from being destroyed. As follows: Package: PKG; Package body: PKB; Procedure: the PRC; Function: as FNC; Object type: typ; Object type body: tyb; The Trigger: TRG; Other PL/SQL: PLS; Other SQL: SQL; Identifier naming convention It consists of five parts: Scope Type Primary Identifier Modifier Suffix . The primary identifier is the most important. The Scope G is usually global; L stands for local; P represents the entry and exit parameters; The Type Two typical scalar values are constants (k) or variables (v). But its too complicated to divide into VARCHAR2 or DATE, but you usually use g for gv. Some collection types include: C represents cursors; Cp represents cursor parameters; R represents record type; In addition to custom types, there are also user-defined types and subtypes. The only intention to use subtypes is to build an internal control self-description type; Primary Identifier The intention of a variable should be clearly described, usually a word or phrase. Usually avoid abbreviations, unless you really can describe yourself, otherwise consider other names. Suffix Usually IN, OUT, or IN OUT, IN general. An example of an identifier The cursor statement A cursor name usually begins with a c_; Loop index Do not use FOR I IN 1. 12 LOOP and the FOR r c_discrepancies IN LOOP form, but use the FOR r_emp IN c_emp LOOP or FOR i_month IN 1. 12 LOOP. Collection (PL/SQL) type It IS usually better to use _TT as a suffix, such as TYPE account_tt IS TABLE OF accounts % ROWTYPE; PL/SQL record type The rectype is usually used as a suffix, su



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