
sql server 2008用法大全(SQL server 2008 usage dais).doc

sql server 2008用法大全(SQL server 2008 usage dais).doc

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sql server 2008用法大全(SQL server 2008 usage dais)

sql server 2008用法大全(SQL server 2008 usage dais) 1. When a lot of your data is Shared, the error exceeds the lock request timeout period from time to time. Just take the stored procedure directly and put it in your Master database The View Code The set ANSI_NULLS ONset QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONgoALTER Proc [dbo]. [Sp_KillAllProcessInDB] @dbname VarChar (100), asif db_id (@dbname) = Null beginPrint DataBase dose not Exist endelseBeginDeclare @spid VarChar (30) DECLARE TmpCursor CURSOR for select Kill + convert (VarChar, spId) as spIdfrom master... SysProcesseswhere db_Name (dbID) = @dbnameand spId @spidand dbID 0OPEN TmpCursorFETCH NEXT FROM TmpCursorINTO @spid WHILE @fetch_status = 0BEGINExec (@spid) FETCH NEXT FROM TmpCursorINTO @spid END CLOSE TmpCursorDEALLOCATE TmpCursorend Now, if this happens again, if you just execute the stored procedure as an example Exec Sp_KillAllProcessInDB database to access 2. If you modify the architecture of the data ? Guest: Table_1 architecture name + (table name, video, stored procedure), new schema name, The EXEC SP_ChangeObjectOwner guest. Table_1, dbo 3. How to modify the Windows authentication and login user authentication mode if installed? The View Code / * title: change login user authentication method author: su fei time: 2011-09-25 location: zhengzhou * / / * login users authentication mode is generally determined when the SQL Server 2005 installation is installed. If you need to change the authentication method of the login user, you can only change the authentication mode of the Server through SQL Server Configuration Manager. Step 1. Open the SQL Server Management Studio tool through start/ program / Microsoft SQL Server 2005 / SQL Server Management Studio menu. 2. Connect to the SQL Server 2005 Server that needs to change the login user authentication mode by connecting to the Server dialog box. 3. After the connection is correct, the object explorer layout in SQL Server Management Studio will be connected to the Server.



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