
ssh学习过程中,遇到的问题及改正方法(Problems and correction methods encountered during SSH learning).doc

ssh学习过程中,遇到的问题及改正方法(Problems and correction methods encountered during SSH learning).doc

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ssh学习过程中,遇到的问题及改正方法(Problems and correction methods encountered during SSH learning)

ssh学习过程中,遇到的问题及改正方法(Problems and correction methods encountered during SSH learning) Struts 2: Error: org. Apache. Catalina. Core. StandardContext startInternal error filterStart 1. One package is missing, and 5 packages are said on the Internet, but the struts2.3 needs 8 packages (the reason for the error is that I used less Commons - lang - 2.5. jar) : There are also problems on the Internet. I put all my bags in, and it seems to be a problem. The eight bags required are as follows: Commons fileupload - 1.2.2. Jar Commons - IO - 2.0.1. Jar Commons - lang - 2.5. The jar A freemarker - 2.3.18. Jar Javassist - 3.11.0. GA. The jar Ognl - 3.0.4. Jar Struts 2 - core - . Jar Xwork - core - . Jar Hibernate requirements: Do not repeat import: the duplication of code and configuration files 2. The mapping class must have a free construction method The mapping class must be consistent with the field name of the table (except case) 4. Field names cannot use reserved words. Error: Could not get the constructor for org. Hibernate. Persister. Etity. SingleTableENtityPersister Cause: 1. The method of getting and the set method is not consistent with the listed method (missing one character). The HBM is not consistent with the table (mapping class) : a column is defined less in HBM, and the mapping class is inconsistent with the data type of the table. jBPM An error occurred while collecting items to be installed Session context was: (profile = epp. Package. Jee, phase = org. Eclipse equinox. Internal. Provisional. P2. Engine. The phases. Collect, operand =, action =). The Problems downloading an artifact: osgi bundles, org. Eclipse. Jem. Proxy, 2.0.201. V200908101600. The File from the invalid content: C: \ Users \ \ AppData \ Local l \ Temp \ signatureFile8072959461313428416 jar Cause: this is a bug jre1.7 with jBPM4.3, using jre1.6. Spring: 1. org.apache.catalina.core.standarcontext startInternal error listenerStart Cause: 1. Check the tomcat localhost. Xx log, found that there


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