
STS软件中钢结构柱间支撑计算与施工图的绘制(Support calculation and construction drawing of steel structure pillar in STS software).doc

STS软件中钢结构柱间支撑计算与施工图的绘制(Support calculation and construction drawing of steel structure pillar in STS software).doc

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STS软件中钢结构柱间支撑计算与施工图的绘制(Support calculation and construction drawing of steel structure pillar in STS software)

STS软件中钢结构柱间支撑计算与施工图的绘制(Support calculation and construction drawing of steel structure pillar in STS software) STS software support between calculation and construction of steel structure column drawing JinJuanRu Ma Encheng Xia Xuyong PKPMCAD department (China construction science research institute of Beijing 100013) in the STS software is introduced, and the column support between computing and the main functions of the construction drawings procedures, instructions, technical conditions, and through the calculation of engineering examples, introduces the main parameters influencing, and software applications, a reference for designers. Keywords between STS software support construction drawings CALCULATIONOFBRACESBETWEENCOLUMNSOFSTEELSTRUCTUREANDDRAWINGOFDETAILBYSTSSOFTWAREJinJuanruMaEnchengXiaXuyong PKPMCADEngineeringDepartment, ChinaAcademyofBuildingResearchBeijing100013 ABSTRACTItisintroducedthatthemainfunctionsoftheprogramforcalculatingbracesbetweencolumnsanddetaildrawinginSTSsoftware, itsoperatinginstructionandtechnicalconditions; Thecalculationofthemainparametersaswellastheuseofthesoftwarearealsodescribedbyanexample, whichprovidesexperiencefordesigners KEYWORDSSTSsoftwarebracesbetweencolumnsdetaildrawing steel structure CAD software STS is a function of PKPM series software module, can complete steel structure model input, optimization design, structure calculation, design and construction drawing CAD connected nodes. STS (2005 edition) between the column support calculation and construction drawings done a lot of improvement, through the project example to introduce the STS (2005 edition) in the column support between improvement and application of the calculation and construction drawings, so that the designer understand and application. 1 between pillars support the main functions of the calculation and construction drawings 1) software extends the column support between calculation and drawing function, can solve the problem of the calculation of compl



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