上海二期课改教材高一到高三数学教材目录(Teaching materials for the second phase of Shanghai a catalogue of mathematics teaching materials).doc
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上海二期课改教材高一到高三数学教材目录(Teaching materials for the second phase of Shanghai a catalogue of mathematics teaching materials)
上海二期课改教材高一到高三数学教材目录(Teaching materials for the second phase of Shanghai a catalogue of mathematics teaching materials)
A collection,
1.1 collection and representation
1.2 relationships between collections
1.3 operation of the set
The form of two or four propositions
1.4 the form and equivalence relation of propositions
3. Sufficient conditions and necessary conditions
Sufficient condition, necessary condition
Iv. Preliminary logic (* extend content)
1.6 the operation of the proposition
Principles of drawers and averages (* extend content)
Principles of drawer and averages
Chapter 2 inequality
2.1 basic property of inequality
The solution to the quadratic inequality of 2.2
2.3 solutions to other inequalities
2.4 basic inequalities and their applications
The maximum volume problem of the subject
2.5 proof of inequality (expanded content)
Chapter 3 basic properties of functions
The concept of the 3.1 function
3.2 function relationship establishment
Subject 2 mail and postage issues
Topic: Shanghai taxi pricing
3.3 operation of functions
3.4 basic properties of functions
The zero of the function (expand the content)
Chapter 4 power functions, exponential functions and logarithmic functions
One power function
4.1 the properties and images of power functions
2. Exponential function
4.2 images and properties of exponential functions
Third, logarithmic
4.3 logarithmic concepts and their operations
Changing the formula (expanding the content)
Iv. Inverse function
4.4 concept of inverse function
The logarithm function
4.5 images and properties of logarithmic functions
The exponential equation and the logarithmic equation
4.6 simple exponential equation
4.7 simple logarithmic equation
Problem of four voice communication problems
The fifth chapter of the second semester of high school
The triangle ratio of any Angle
5.1 arbitrary angles and their measurements
5.2 triangulation of any Angle
The triangle ratio is expressed in the unit circle
The trig identity
5.3 relation and ind
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