
世界公司发展大事记(公司的力量)(The development of the world company (the power of the company)).doc

世界公司发展大事记(公司的力量)(The development of the world company (the power of the company)).doc

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世界公司发展大事记(公司的力量)(The development of the world company (the power of the company))

世界公司发展大事记(公司的力量)(The development of the world company (the power of the company)) The development of the world company (the power of the company) Stage 1: (from 3000 to 1500) The first three thousand years: Mesopotamia and sumerians created contracts. The first two thousand years to the first Thousands of years: the assyrians created the terms of the fund contract. The first century AD: the beginning of the founding corporation of Rome - the business community, which stood shoulder to shoulder in some form of limited liability. The ninth century AD: the Italian city-states of amayor and Venice. In the 12th century AD: the word compagnia was used in Italian cities such as Florence, and the company was a family business, relying on joint and several liability. 1215: the great charter of the United Kingdom. In 1279, king Edward I issued the confiscation act, which was designed to limit the amount of land bequeathed to legal persons, especially the church. 1298: the book of Marco Polo, which inspired the admiration and greed of the eastern civilization and wealth of the European team, eventually led to the discovery of new routes and new lands. 1340: Genoa merchants began to use double-entry bookkeeping, mainly to prevent false accounts from overseas offices. In 1347, the oldest surviving private company in Europe, the immediate family of sdorazone, Sweden, obtained the royal concession. 1357: the London weavers association has the right to export taxes on wool. 1397: giovanni maddiki set up the tmac bank. 1405 to 1433: zheng he, the Chinese navigator, made the trip to the western countries. 1450: the emergence of active printing in Europe, the improvement of human knowledge, provided the ideological basis for the arrival of the great sailing era. Year 1488: the cape of good hope. 1492: Christopher Columbus discovered the new world. In 1498, husco da gama arrived in calicarter, India, opening an Indian route. Phase ii: (1500 to 1750) 16 th century: franchising -style bu



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