
东罗马皇帝查士丁尼大帝简介(An introduction to Justinian emperor Justinian).doc

东罗马皇帝查士丁尼大帝简介(An introduction to Justinian emperor Justinian).doc

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东罗马皇帝查士丁尼大帝简介(An introduction to Justinian emperor Justinian)

东罗马皇帝查士丁尼大帝简介(An introduction to Justinian emperor Justinian) Justinian I (Latin: Justinianus I; Greek: Ι western nu sigma tau ι argument ι alpha argument??; full name for eph ravi Peter · Sebastian uz, Justinian Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Justinianus, about on May 11, 483 - November 14, 565) is the emperor of the eastern Roman empire, and his rule from 527 to 565. As he retook many of the lost soil, rebuilt the holy Sophia church, and codified the Justinian code, it was also called Justinian. Justinian I, is one of the most important rulers, the end of the Roman era in the history of his rule is generally regarded as from the classical period into Greece in the eastern Roman empire of the age important transition. For example, in 542, he abolished the official position of the consul from the Roman republic (probably for cost). He also strengthened the position of the emperor as the representative of god on the earth, a move that was completely destroyed the emperor in the Roman empire as chief executive, father of the nation, first citizen image. But procopius, a historian, has been deeply critical of the policy of Justinian I. The book of procopius is the most important material for the study of the reign of Justinian I. Foreign policy The eastern Roman empire of 565. The yellow part is the territory of the end of the reign of emperor Constantine, the territory of the end of the reign of emperor Justinian The principal foreign policy of Justinian I was to rebuild a Christian empire based on Roman precedent. Historians dispute the source of the policy. It was thought that Justinian had planned the policy in the long run, but others thought it was his main policy after his general, bel-liza, defeated him in 534. Justinian was the last of the eastern Roman emperors, who had reoccupied much of the Roman empire. Procopius recorded the war of Justinian in detail in his history book war. The war against Persia The war between Justinian and the persians was a legacy of his



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