
中国大学生数学竞赛竞赛大纲(初稿)_7-38(Chinese university mathematics competition outline (draft) _7-38).doc

中国大学生数学竞赛竞赛大纲(初稿)_7-38(Chinese university mathematics competition outline (draft) _7-38).doc

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中国大学生数学竞赛竞赛大纲(初稿)_7-38(Chinese university mathematics competition outline (draft) _7-38)

中国大学生数学竞赛竞赛大纲(初稿)_7-38(Chinese university mathematics competition outline (draft) _7-38) Personally organized, feel good, upload to the library to share with everyone Outline of China college students mathematics competition (first draft) In order to further promote the high school mathematics curriculum reform and construction, improve the level of university mathematics teaching, motivate students to learn mathematics interest, find and select mathematics creative talents, to better achieve the goal of Chinese college students mathematical contest, Outlines rules are hereby formulated The nature of the competition and the competition Chinese college students mathematical contest : is the purpose of motivating students to learn mathematics interest, further promote the high school mathematics curriculum reform and construction, improve the level of university mathematics teaching, discovery and selection of mathematical creative talents Chinese college students math competition is the competition for college students who are in second and higher grades The content of the competition The Chinese college math competition is divided into math majors and non-math majors (a) Chinese college students mathematical contest (mathematics) professional class competition content for undergraduate professional basic course of mathematics teaching content, namely, mathematical analysis was 50%, 35% higher algebra, analytic geometry (15%), the concrete content is as follows: Ⅰ, mathematics analysis section 1. Sets and functions 1. The density of real Numbers, rational Numbers and irrational Numbers, the bounds of real Numbers and the exact boundaries, the existence of the existence theorem, the closed interval set theorem, the polydot theorem, the finite cover theorem. 2. In the distance, neighborhood, accumulation point, point, boundary, open set and closed set, bounded (unbounded) sets, closed rectangular on the set of theorems, get together, limited covering theorem, basis poi


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