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People often say that the Buddha to gold, clothes make the man. In fact, this is not false. Because the packaging, can be said to be science, is an art, it gives a person a kind of extraordinary, the refined sense of beauty, the aesthetics bring people the effect should be such, visual beauty, feel good, everything is starting from the benefit angle, make the person sees instantly. And the interview, examination day dress to admit it or not, there is the effect of play a decisive role, while the first impression perfectly may not be admitted, but if you leave a bad impression, may thus fail in official nowhere. So, as the interview date of arrival, still should spend idea to create a good external image for themselves. 以男性为例: Male patients: 1、注意头发修整,如果稍嫌过长,应修剪一下。 1, pay attention to the hair dresser, if too long, should trim. 2、避免穿着过于老旧的西装,颜色以素净为佳。 2, avoid wearing too old suit, plain color to better. 3、正式面试时,以长裤并熨烫笔挺为好。 3, the formal interview, with trousers and ironed straight as well. 4、衬衫以白色比较讨好。 4, as compared with the white shirt. 5、尽量选择颜色明亮的领带。太过鲜艳显得花俏,以能带给他人明朗良好印象则较为适宜。 5, try to choose bright tie. When the choose and buy can consult the opinions of a wife or girlfriend, too bright to look fancy,/ can bring others a good impression is more suitable for clear. 6、领带不平整给人一种衣冠不整的观感,尽可能别上领带夹。 6, tie roughness gives people an untidy appearance, as far as possible dont tie clip. 7、西装胸袋放条装饰手帕看起来颇为别致。 7, suit chest bag decoration handkerchief looks very chic. 8、西装和皮鞋的颜色以保守为原则,面谈时最好避免穿着过份突异的颜色。 8, suits and shoes color to conservative principles, best to avoid excessive process of interview wearing the same color. 9、戴眼镜的朋友,镜框的配戴最好能使人感觉稳重,调和。 9, wearing glasses frame with the best friend, can make the person feels sedate, harmonic. 女性在应试时则应注意以下几点: Women should pay attention to the following points in the examination: 1、穿着应有上班女郎的气息,裙装套装是最合宜的装扮,勿穿长裤应试。裙装长度应在膝盖左右或以下,太短有失庄重。 1, in proper working girl breath, skirt suit is the most appropriate dress, do not wear trousers ex


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