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IR 2 110 , : TM 3 81 : A : 1001-6 848( 2009) 02-0057- 04 IR2110 方彦军, 伍 洲 ( , 4 30072) : 探讨了基于M O SFET 驱动芯片 IR 211O 的H 桥机器人行走电机的驱动问题, 并在 AT- m ega128处理器构建的控制平台上实 机器人运动系统智能控制方法驱动器设计为单极工作模 式, 输入单 PWM 信号使任意方向的导通和截止交替进行, 完成电机的线性调速, 并根据 AT- m ega128控制器接口, 开发了对应的运动控制程序设计中将逻辑预处理电路和功率驱动电路相 结合, 简化了控制信号接口, 增强了系统安全性实际应用表明设计方案结构简单功耗低 动态性能好 : IR 2110 PW M 直流电机 A Tm ega12 8 驱动系统 实验 App lication of IR2110 in R obot D r ive System FAN G Y an-jun, W U Zhou ( D epartm ent o f A utom at ion, W uhan U n iversity, W uhan 430072, China) Abs tract: P roblem s of m ob ile robot mo tor driv ing b ased on H-bridge structure using the M osfet driv ing ch ip IR 2110 w ere d iscu ssed, as w ell as the robo t m ot ion system intelligent contro l m ethods w ere mi ple- m ented on the contro l flat con structed by ATm ega128 processor. T he driver w as designed as the sing le po le runn ing m ode, in w h ich inpu tt ing a sing le PWM signa l to keep the a lternation of turn ing on and o ff could fin ish the linear sp eed adju stm ent, and according to the interface o f ATm ega128 the relevant m o- t ion contro lling program s w ere deve lop ed. In the design the com binat ion o f log ica l preprocessing circu it and pow er driv ing circu it smi p lified the contro lling signa l interface, streng thened the system security. The practical app licat ion mi plied the designed project h ad smi p le structure, low energy con sum ption, and p erfect dynam ic perform ance. K ey W ords: IR2 110 PWM DC m otor ATm ega128 D rive system Expermi ent (,


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