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Chapter 24 of Frankenstein Outline of Chapter 24 1.The monsters mind was full of revenge and there was quite a number of awful thoughts inside him. 2.The letter from Walton to Margaret: (1)The encouragement of Frankenstein to Walton. (2)The monster showed up after Frankensteins death and then he ended his own life. the first paragraph of Chapter 24: My present situation was one in which all voluntary (adj.自愿的;故意的)thought was swallowed(swallow:v.吞下;忍受) up and lost.I was hurried away by fury(n.狂怒;暴怒;激怒者);revenge alone endowed me with strengh and composure(n.镇静;沉着);it moulded(mould:n.浇铸;用泥土覆盖) my feelings and allowed me to be calculating (adj.深谋远虑的;审慎的)and calm at periods when otherwise deliriumor(delirium:n.神经错乱) death would have been my portion(n.部分;一份;命运). 译文  在当时的情况下,我其他一切想法都不存在了,我的心中充斥着愤怒的激情,惟有复仇这个念头才能给我力量,并使我稍稍平静下来。复仇的愿望对我的情感产生了重大的影响,使我变功于心计、在遇到危险时也能够保持镇定自若。否则,我早就不是发疯了,就是一命呜呼了。 My life, as it passed thus, was indeed hateful to me , and it was during sleep alone that I could taste joy. 通感:(synaesthesia)又叫“移觉”,即描述客观食物时,将人的听觉、视觉、味觉、嗅觉等不同感觉相互沟通彼此转换,使意向更为活泼新奇。 例如汉语中“微风过处,送来缕缕清香,仿佛远处高楼上渺茫的歌声似的。”——《荷塘月色》朱自清 此句将花的清香这种淡淡的感觉比做远处高楼上渺茫的歌声。 To you first entering on life , to whom care is new and agony unknown , how can you understand what I have felt and still feel? 你才刚刚涉足人生,一切对你来说都是那么新鲜,你根本不知道何为痛苦忧患,你又怎能理解我当时和此刻的感受? Oh! When will my guiding spirit , in conducting me to the daemon(n.守护进程;后台程序) , allow me the rest I so much desire; or must I die , and he yet live? If I do , swear to me , Walton , that he shall not escape , that you will seek him and satisfy my vengeance in his death. And do I dare to ask of you to undertake my pilgrimage(n.漫游;朝圣之行) , to endure(v.忍耐;容忍) the hardships that I have undergone? 译文:沃尔登,你得向我发誓,如果我真的死去了,你决不能让他逃脱,你会去找到那个恶魔,杀死他,为我报仇。哎,我怎能要求你去继续我所经历的那条饱含艰辛的朝圣之路,去忍受我所承受的千难万险呢?不,我还没有这样自私呢。 红句修辞:反问(rhetorical question)以疑问形式表达确定意思,以加重语气。 You have read this strange and terrific story , Margaret ;and do you not feel your blood congeal (v.凝结;凝固)with horror ,


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