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33 6 V o l. 33, l . 6 2006 6 A pp lied Science and T echno logy Jun. 2006 : 1009- 671X ( 2006 06- 0068- 03 王 鑫, 栾晓明, 刘明勇, 徐小君 (哈尔滨工程大学 信息与通信工程学院, 黑龙江 哈尔滨 15000 1 : , . . 2 , ; , C, . ( . . : ; ; : T P39 1. 4 1 : A D epth from defocus independent of object texture WANG X in, LUAN X iao-m ing, L IU M ing-yong, XU X iao-jun ( Schoo l of Inform a tion and Comm un ication Eng ineering, H arb in Eng inee ring U niversity, H arb in 150001, Ch ina Abs tract: In com puter V ision, the key o f 3-D reconstruct ing is to f igure out the depth info rm ation of a scene from the mi ages. A new m ethod for depth from defocu s mi ages is proposed. Tw o mi ages of the sam e scene w ith d ifferent defocu s are taken by chang ing the aperture o f the lens. The pow er spectrum density is expressed by tmi e dom a in en- ergy. T he fuzzy param eter C is ca lculated u sing the dynam ic referencing technique, so that the depth o f scenery is estmi a ted. Th ism ethod has h igh accuracy, and low com putational w ork and on ly one unknown constant invo lved. Furtherm ore, the resu lting d istance to ob ject is independent o f the ob ject tex ture. Expermi enta l result proves the e-f fect iveness of the m ethod. K eyword s: depth from de focu s; ca libration; dynam ic referenc ing technique [ 1 - 2 ] 1 成像模型 . , , [ 3] . P entland [ 4] 1, D ( D FD , , f , u , v , s ( 2 3 . Pentland . , P ( . 2 : d p, . d



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