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2000 4 11 2 CHINESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, Apr. 2000, 11( 2)∋205~ 209 * * * 张一平 马友鑫 刘玉洪 张克映 ( , 650223) 1 , . , ; 13m , 4. 5m , (0m) ; , ; , ( ) ( ) ; . Horizontal thermal characteristics at forest edge in calm tropical region of China. ZHANG Yiping, MA Youxin, LIU Yu ong and ZHANG Keying ( X ishuangbanna T rop ical Botanical Garden, Chinese A cademy of Sciences , K unming 650223Chin. J . Ap p l . Ecol . , 2000, 11(2) : 205~ 209. T e temperature measurement at sout w estfacing edge of a rubber forest w as conducted in a calm tropical region of Xis uangbanna, Yunnan, C ina in January 1998, and t e daytime t ermal c aracteristics and t eir timespace varia tions nearby t e edge of t e rubber forest w ere discussed. T ere w as an obviously t ermal effect at forest edge. T e dept of edge influence on soil surface temperature was up to 13 m from t e edge into t e forest. Soil surface tempera ture reac ed its ig est at 45 m outside t e forest. T e ig est air temperature occurred at 0 m of t e edge. T e eat transfer nearby t e edge w as quite different in number and in direction. Outside t e forest , t e eat w as transferred from ground to air on almost daytime, w ile at interior of forest,was opposite after t e noon.T e eat w as transferred from t e rubber canopy to t e ground.At t e forest edge, suc variation w as complex , depended mainly on location and time. Key words Forest edge, Air temperature, Surface temperature, Air minus soil temperature, T ermal active surface. m- 2 . . 1 , 8 ( , 1) , , . ( ) 10m ( , [4, 8, 10, 11] .



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