以雷达干涉技术侦测地表变形之研究Detecting Terrain Deformation.PDF

以雷达干涉技术侦测地表变形之研究Detecting Terrain Deformation.PDF

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以雷达干涉技术侦测地表变形之研究Detecting Terrain Deformation

以雷達干涉技術偵測地表變形之研究 Detecting Terrain Deformation with Radar Interferometry 計畫編號: NSC 90-2211-E-009-050 執行期限:90年8月日至1 91年7月31日 主持人:史天元國立交通大學土木工程系 一、中文摘要 is an imaging technique for measuring the topography of surface, its changes over time, 雷達干涉技術 (Radar Interferometry) , and other changes in the detailed 藉由相位值的差異量來獲取地表的三維資 characteristics of the surface. A radar 訊。目前主要的應用包含數值地形模型 sensor above the Earth detects tiny changes (DEM ,Digital Elevation Model)的產生、 on the ground by very accurately measuring changes in the time delay, or phase, of a radar 地震變形量的研究、地層下陷的量測等。 echo. Interferometric synthetic aperture 因為主動微波系統能全天候的蒐集地表資 radar (InSAR) and its spatially dense, 訊,配合相位值高精度的量測技術,因此 accurate deformation measurements have 可用以進行快速的製圖及有效的偵測地表 advanced studies of the Earth’s crust. A 的變形 (Deformation) 。 significant advantage of this technique is that it provides a comprehensive view of the 在變形量的監控上,傳統所使用的是 motion detected for the entire area affected. 以精密測量的方法來進行,但因受限於儀 It is expected that this type of result will 器的精度及人力、物力的需求,所以不太 supplement ground-based measurements, 容易進行大範圍、高精度的、高密度的測 which are made at a limited number of 量。最近雖然 GPS技術的快速發展,可以 locations. 較快速的獲得高精度的成果,但仍受限於


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