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2017考研英语作文热门话题及范文:两岸关系 党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为总书记的党中央就台湾问题和对台工作发表了一系列重要论述,提出许多富有创见的新理念新观点新要求。2017考研英语作文备考也要以必威体育精装版的时政为重点,下面就为大家提供2017考研英语作文热门话题及范文:两岸关系。   01   共圆中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦。   Making joint efforts to realize the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation   ?习近平总书记指出,“中国梦是两岸同胞共同的梦,需要大家一起来圆梦”。   As Xi Jinping has emphasized, The Chinese Dream is the dream of people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, and it will take the joint efforts of us all to make it a reality.   ?中国梦与台湾的前途是息息相关的。两岸同胞要相互扶持,不分党派,不分阶层,不分宗教,不分地域,都参与到民族复兴的进程中来,让我们共同的中国梦早日成真。   The Chinese Dream is tied closely to the future of Taiwan. In order to make the shared Chinese Dream a reality as soon as possible, people on both sides of the Straits should stand by each other, devoting themselves to the rejuvenation of the nation regardless of their party affiliation, social strata, religion, and place of origin.   02   努力推动两岸关系和平发展。   Working to promote peaceful cross-Straits relations   ?两岸双方要巩固坚持“九二共识”、反对“台独”的共同基础,深化维护一个中国框架的共同认知。这个基础是两岸关系之锚,锚定了,才能任凭风浪起、稳坐钓鱼台。   both sides of the Straits should consolidate the common foundation of adhering to the 1992 Consensus and opposing Taiwan independence, deepening the common understanding of safeguarding the One-China Framework. This foundation is the anchor of cross-Straits relations: only when it has been set firmly in place will cross-Straits relations be able to stay steady in the face of any storm.   ?我们对台湾同胞一视同仁,无论是谁,不管他以前有过什么主张,只要现在愿意参与推动两岸关系和平发展,我们都欢迎。   We treat all our compatriots in Taiwan as equals, and extend our welcome to all those who are willing to promote peaceful cross-Straits relations, regardless of what views they may have held in the past.   03   倡导“两岸一家亲”的理念。   Advocating the notion that both sides of the Taiwan Straits are one family   ?两岸同胞是血脉相连、命运与共的一家人。   Chinese people living on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are members of the same family, sharing ties of blood and a common destiny.   ?两岸同胞一家亲,根植于同胞共同的血脉和精神,扎根于我们共同的历史和文化。广大台湾同胞不论省籍、族群等都是我们的骨肉乡亲。


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