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2017考研英语阅读:老人倒地,扶还是不扶?   在考研英语中,阅读分数可谓是占到了总分的半壁江山,正所谓“得阅读者得考研”。对于备考2017考研的同学们,在平时的复习中一定要拓展阅读思路,各类话题都要关注,这样才能在整体上提升考研英语阅读水平!凯程考研频道考研分享《2017考研英语阅读精选》,一起来学习吧!   Street scams   老人倒地,扶还是不扶?   导读:如果在路上看到一位老人摔倒,你扶还是不扶?这本来是一个非常简单的选择,但现在对很多人来说却是对价值观、人生观的巨大考验,因为伸出援手之后等待你的有可能是知恩图报,也有可能是恩将仇报。   中国行人面临一个奇怪的困境:到底该不该帮助倒在马路上的老人?   The answer seems simple. Your conscience compels you to help someone in danger.   答案似乎显而易见。良知告诉我们,应该帮助有困难的人。   But many Chinese are discovering that some of these injured people are scammers. They accuse good Samaritans of having knocked them over in the first place, and they lodge complaints in hopes of receiving large amounts of compensation.   但是很多国人却发现一些伤者其实是骗子。他们讹诈好心人把自己撞倒,倒打一耙,进而索取高额赔偿。   There are frequent reports on such incidents and ensuing disputes. On Sept 8, a new case happened in Huainan, Anhui province.   类似报道层出不穷。9月8日,安徽省淮南市发生了一起新的事件。   Yuan Chen, a 20-year-old college student from Huainan Normal University, claimed that she helped an injured elderly woman on the street. But the woman’s family has demanded that Yuan take full responsibilities for the injuries, The Beijing News reported.   《新京报》消息,淮南师范大学20岁学生袁宸称自己帮助了一位在马路上受伤的老奶奶,但是老人的家人却要她为老人的受伤负全责。   Since the incident happened in the security cameras’ blind spot, both sides are looking for witnesses to clear their names. The local police department is also investigating the case.   由于事故发生在监控盲区,双发都在寻找证人。当地公安局也在调查该事件。   But how can you possibly solve a case like this, where the only evidence comes from two conflicting viewpoints?   不过在这种两方各执一词,证据也只是双方证词的情况下,如何解决纠纷?   “This kind of cases should follow the principle of ‘the burden of proof lies with the person making the claim’,” Ye Lin, a law professor from Renmin University of China, told China Central Television.   中国人民大学法学院教授叶林告诉中国中央电视台:“这类案件需要遵循‘谁主张,谁举证’的原则”。   The burden of proof means the collection of proof or evidence. In civil cases, “if you accuse someone of causing you harm or losses, you should collect convincing proof to back yo


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