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中国古典园林史摘要前言Preface中国是一个有着五千年悠久历史的文明古国,钟灵毓秀的大地山川,积淀深厚的历史文化,孕育出中国古典园林这样一个源远流长/博大精深的园林体系.中国园林是中华民族优秀传统文化的重要组成部分,它以丰富多彩的内容和高超的艺术水平在世界造园艺术中独树一帜,其独特的文化精神内涵和辉煌的艺术成就为世界所瞩目.China has an ancient civilization with a five-thousand-year history.On this vast and rich land, many outstanding talents emerged and a splendid culture was born, nurturing a time-honored, profound and extensive system of the classical gardens. As an important component of the fine Chinese traditional cultures, the classical gardens secured a unique position in the world’s gardening art with its rich content and appealing artistic charm. The unique cultural and spiritual sense and magnificent artistic achievements of the gardens have gained the classical gardens worldwide attention.中国园林的生Beginnings of the Chinese Gardens商周秦汉是中国古典园林从萌芽/产生而逐渐成长的时期,历经千余年.在此时期,造园活动虽然规模较大,但演进变化较为缓慢,中国园林处于发展的初期阶段.During the Shang, Zhou, Qin and Han period, the classical Chinese gardens surfaced, came into being and gradually developed. In this millennium, gardens were contructed on a large scale, but their style has evolved relatively slowly, given that, this period is considered as the early stage of the classical gardens.天地山川园林寻踪“囿”、“圃”、“台”是中国园林的原始形态。人们山水审美观念的确立、天人合一思想、君子比德思想和神仙思想等意识形态方面的因素,促成了生成期中国古典园林的发展。During the Shang, Zhou, Qin and Han period, the classical Chinese gardens surfaced, came into being and gradually developed. In this millennium, gardens were contructed on a large scale, but their style has evolved relatively slowly, given that, this period is considered as the early stage of the classical gardens.崇台峻基苑囿之渐公园前11世纪的商末周初,王、诸侯、卿、大夫等开始兴建离宫别馆,出现了规模较大的囿和台,如殷纣王的沙丘苑台和周文王的灵囿、灵台、灵沼等。In the late Shang and early Zhou period, the 11th century BC to be exact, kings, vassals, officers and scholars started to build palaces and villas for short stays, in which there were many large “yous” and “tai” of “dunes” for King Zhou of Shang and Ling You, Ling Tai and Ling Zhao for King Wen of Zhou.宫苑伊始华美恢弘秦、汉是园林发展的重要阶段,相应于中央集权政治体制的确立,


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