
a Study of the Hero’s Road to Maturity in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer(outline).docx

a Study of the Hero’s Road to Maturity in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer(outline).docx

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a Study of the Hero’s Road to Maturity in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer(outline)

从男孩到男人—马克.吐温《汤姆.索亚历险记》中主人公成长之路的分析和研究提纲中心句:本文将分析汤姆.索亚,一个聪明活泼,富有正义感,梦想体验体验冒险生活的小男孩的成长之路,透过对他的性格分析和他与一般男孩成长过程的比较让现在的人们明白小孩最终应成为哪种人。介绍冒险经历中的心理变化坟地惨案里表现懦弱解救寡妇勇于冒险山洞受困勇敢成熟汤姆·索亚性格分析汤姆索亚的天真浪漫汤姆索亚的聪明机智汤姆索亚的叛逆勇敢一般男孩和汤姆的成长过程比较多数男孩性格淘气多数男孩成长中都有冒险精神汤姆索亚体现的男孩的成长道路总结尾注参考文献From Boy to Man—a Study of the Hero’s Road to Maturity in The Adventures of Tom SawyerOutlineThesis statement: This paper will analyzethe growth path of Tom Sawyer, a smart, lively and righteous boy with a dream of an adventurous life, and make people see what sort of men and women the children turned out to be through studyingTom Sawyer’s character.Introduction.Psychological Transformation in Adventure ExperienceCowardly Boy in the Tragedy of GraveyardAdventurous YouthinWidow RescueCourageous and Mature Man in the Cave CaseTom Sawyer’s CharacterTom Sawyer’s Innocence and RomanceTom Sawyer’s Wit and LeadershipTom Sawyer’s Rebellion and HeroismComparisons of Growth Process Between Ordinary Boys and TomNaughty Character of Most BoysAdventurous Spirit of Many Growing BoysThe Growth Path Presented by Tom SawyerConclusionNotesBibliographyBibliographyTwain, Mark. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. London: Penguin Group, 1994.Twain, Mark. Tom Sawyer Huckleberry Finn. Ware:Wordsworth Classics, 1992.Cleark, Beverly Lyon, eds. Sawyer. New York: A Norton Critical Edition, 2007Scott, Arthur L., eds. Mark Twain: Selected Criticism. Dallas: Southern MethodistUniversity Press, 1955/review/5102652/马克.吐温著,严维明译《汤姆·索亚历险记》,长沙:湖南文艺出版社,2011。保罗.凯维尔著,仁青、邓珠等译《从男孩到男人》,西安:陕西师范大学出版社,2010。


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