
品质与环境、安全、卫生、保全及能源政策与承诺 - 默克.pdf

品质与环境、安全、卫生、保全及能源政策与承诺 - 默克.pdf

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品质与环境、安全、卫生、保全及能源政策与承诺 - 默克

品質與環境、安全、衛生、保全及能源政策與承諾 Quality Policy品質政策 • Satisfy our customers with high performance / reliable products and service through continuous improvement 持續改善,提供優質及可信賴的產品與服務,以滿足客戶需求 • Ensure consistent quality based on capable and robust process driven by a qualified and motivated team 保證品質的一致性,透過合格與積極的團隊建立有能力與健全的流程 • Regulatory compliance and agreed international quality standards are an integral part of daily work 遵守規章和符合國際品質標準相關條文要求,並融入日常工作中 Quality is embedded in everything we do ! 品質無所不在 品質與環境、安全、衛生、保全及能源政策 與承諾 EHS Policy環境、安全、衛生及保全政策 Merck has defined specific objectives in order to ensure environmental protection, health and safety of all personnel. We are committed to: 默克重視環保,工安及健康並訂定重點執行目標。我們允諾: • Comply with all applicable legal and other requirements 遵循 法規要求 • Prevent environmental pollution, injury and disease. 預防環境污染 、人員受傷及疾病 • Continuously improve the effectiveness and performance of EHS management programs. 持續改善環安衛管理之成效 • Involve all relevant personnel. 全員參與 • Achieve zero incidents. 零職災 品質與環境、安全、衛生、保全及能源政策與承諾 Energy Policy能源政策 Merck commits to pursue all feasibility to minimize energy consumption by: 默克承諾,將尋求各種可行性,消耗最低的能源,並且遵循:  Complying to all energy related law and regulation 遵守各項國家能源法規  Enhancing energy management through systematic PDCA cycle 以系統化PDCA管理循環,強化公司之能源管理  Supports the purchase of energy-efficient products and services, and design for energy performance improvement 支持採購有高效率能源產品與服務及能源績效改善之設計  Setting energy performance target every year to achieve through continuous improvement and benchmark within subsidiaries 透過持續改善,每年設定並達成能源績效目標,並且標竿集團內其他友廠之能源績效  Aligning with Merck’s EDISON goal to decrease CO2 emission by 20% until 2020 compared to 2006 baseline 遵循默克集團 EDISON能源目標 - 與2006年比較,於2020年之前達到並且維持二氧化碳排放量降低 至少20%  In



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