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團體凝聚力 團體凝聚力 成員受到團體與團隊的吸引,或是對團體與團隊表現忠誠的程度。 可產生三種結果 團體成員的參與程度 符合團體規範的程度 重視團體目標的達成 11-* 圖11.5 團體凝聚力的成功因素與結果 11-* 導致團體凝聚力的因素-1 團隊規模 管理者只要可能的話,就要建立小到中規模的團隊(約2~15人)。如果團隊的凝聚力低且團隊規模又大,管理者可考慮將其拆成兩個團隊。 有效的多樣性管理 團隊中所具有的專業技能多樣性會產生高的團隊績效。 11-* 導致團體凝聚力的因素-2 團體認同與良性競爭 管理者可藉由鼓勵團隊發展本身的認同感與人格,或是進行良性競爭來增加凝聚力。 成功 團體愈成功,對成員的吸引力就愈大,因此凝聚力也會愈強。 11-* 11.4 團體與團隊的有效管理-1 鼓勵團隊成員努力達成組織目標 管理者可讓團體與團隊成員瞭解,當他們具有高績效時將會得到獎賞,以激勵他們達到組織目標,並創造競爭優勢。 管理者可合併使用以個人與團體為基礎的誘因制度。 除了金錢報酬之外,管理者可向高績效團隊成員提供的福利包括:額外的資源(如設備、電腦軟體)、賞識或肯定,以及對未來工作的選擇權。 11-* 11.4 團體與團隊的有效管理-2 社會賦閒 個人在團體中所付出的努力比個人單獨工作時還少的傾向。 11-* 圖11.6 減少社會賦閒的三種方法 11-* * Two characteristics that distinguish teams from groups are the intensity with which team members work together and the presence of a specific overriding team goal or objective * Managers should empower the team and make it accountable for the innovation process. Individuals rarely possess the wide variety of skills needed for successful innovation. Team members can uncover each other’s flaws and balance each other’s strengths and weaknesses * * * Keys to effective self managed teams: Give the team enough responsibility and autonomy to be self-managing. The team’s task should be complex enough to include many different steps. Select members carefully for their diversity, skills, and enthusiasm. Keys to effective self managed teams: Managers should guide and coach, not supervise. Determine training needs and be sure it is provided. * * * In cross-functional teams, members are expected to perform roles in their specialty. Managers should clearly describe expected roles to group members when they are assigned to the group. Role-making occurs as workers take on more responsibility in their roles as group members. Self-managed teams may assign the roles to members themselves. * * * Conformity and Deviance Members conform to norms to obtain rewards, imitate respected members, and because they feel the behavior is right. When a member deviates, other members will try to m


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