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基于线性规划和遗传–粒子群算法的烧结配料多目标 - 控制理论与应用
28 12 Vol. 28 No. 12
2011 12 Control Theory Applications Dec. 2011
, , , ,
(, 410083)
: , , ,
– –
; (GA PSO) .
, , GA PSO.
360 m , , ,
, .
: ; ; (LP); (PSO); (GA)
: TP273 : A
A multi-objective optimization algorithm for
sintering proportion based on linear programming and
genetic algorithm particle swam optimization
LI Yong, WU Min, CAO Wei-hua, WANG Chun-sheng, LAI Xu-zhi
(School of Information Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha Hunan 410083, China)
Abstract: Considering both energy conservation and cost reduction, we put forward an multi-objective optimization
model that converts the sulfur content to comparable costs, according to the twice-mixed proportion in steel factories.
Furthermore, a new optimization method that combines together the linear programming(LP) and the genetic algorithm
particle swam optimization(GA–PSO) is developed to solve the model. This method first tries to find out the optimal
proportion by using LP. If it fails, the GA–PSO, as the alternative, is applied to search the solution. The optimization
method is applied to the Optimization and Decision Supporting System for a 360 m sintering production line in an
iron factory. The operation results show that, with quality of sinter guaranteed, the costs as well as the amount of SO
emission is reduced effectively.
Key words: sintering; proportion; linear programming(LP); particle swam optimization(PSO); geneti
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