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第32 卷第7 期 重 庆 大学 学 报 Vol.32 No.7 2009 年7 月 Journal of Chongqing University Jul.2009   :1000-582X (2009)07-0736-07 1a, 1 1a, 1 2 1a, 1 1a, 1 李 楠 ,李百战 , 沈 艳 ,喻 伟 , 丁 勇 (1.重庆大学a.三峡库区生态环境教育部重 实验室;.城市建设与环境工程学院,重庆 400030; 2.中国电力工程顾问集团公司西南电力设计院, 四川成都610021)  :针对自然通风对住宅室内热环境的影响, 选取室内热环境状况较为恶劣、风资源贫乏 的重庆市住宅为例, 通过i d 图分析了自然通风在改善住宅建筑热环境, 提高人体热舒适的可行 性;并通过对典型居民住宅的现场实测数据, 进行了室内平均预测投票 预测不满意百分比热舒适 评价。研究结果表明:即使在风资源贫乏的城市, 住宅建筑良好的自然通风既能大量地节约建筑能 耗,也能够极大地改善室内热环境, 尤其是过渡季节及夏季阴雨天气。 :住宅建筑;自然通风;热舒适;室内热湿环境   :T U834.1 :A Impacts of natural ventilation on indoor thermal environment for residential housing 1a, 1b 1a, 1b 2 1a, 1b 1a, 1b LI Nan , LI Bai -zhan , SHENG Yan , YU Wei , DING Yong (1a.Key La oratory of Three Gorges Reservoir Eco-Environment, Ministry of Education; .College of U r an Construction and Environmental Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400030, P .R.China; 2.Southw est Electrical Pow er Design Institute,Chengdu 610021, P.R.China) Abstract:A typical residential housing in Chongqing is taken as an example, w hich is w ith w orse natural climate conditions and a sent of w ind resource.A feasi ility study on improving the thermal environment y natural ventilation is analyzed ased on the i-d chart .By the on-site tests, the indoor thermal comfort is evaluated ased on the PMV-PPD methodology.Better natural ventilation can not only save the uilding energy consumption, ut also improve indoor thermal environment, especially in the rain and transition seasons, even in the ur an area w ith poor wind resource. Key words:res


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