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® Palusol 防火膨胀条-安全防火的明智选择 The intelligent choice for safe fire protection 内容 Contents Palusol® 及其性能Properties ® Palusol 生产及加工Production and Processing ® Palusol 应用领域Applications Palusol ® SW 产品描述 Product description 常温 受热Heat 成分Consistence: Normal temperature 12 mm 水合硅酸钠 Hydrated 1,9 mm sodium silicate 反应Action: 温度达到100 °C时膨胀为不可 燃泡沫At temperatures of 100°C 接点和缝隙被完全密封,阻隔烟雾,热 量和火焰 the Palusol begins to intumesces to an incombustible foam Gaps and joints are sealed against 在膨胀过程中压力可迖1.5 smoke, heat and fire N/mm²High foaming pressure during intumescence 产品性能 Product benefits 在一定时间内(长达 分钟)保持良好的防火和隔烟性能。 Reliable resistance to  120 fire and smoke for a defined period of times (up to 120 minutes) ® °  反应温度低,反应时间短:100 CPalusol 就开始膨胀;Low response temperature and ° short response times: Palusol ® begins to expand at 100 C ®  120 C Palusol 就能产生显著的泡沫压力Palusol ® develops a marked foaming  ° pressure at 120 C  防火和防烟性能相结合,达到隔热和/或噪音隔离Palusol ® offers a combination of fire and smoke protection with insulation against noise and heat 将 ® 防火板材作为 “遇火膨胀的建筑材料”应用在防火建筑构件中已通过德国相关  Palusol 监管和建筑法律审批。批复文件为No.Z-19. 11-14 (于1977年首次通过审核)。Palusol ® is the ideal answer to the challenge of preventive fire protection; approved for use in buildings in Germany since 1977; (Notification of approval No. Z 19.11 –14). 产品性能 Product benefits Palusol ® 膨胀过程形成的泡沫具备以下优良性能foams During



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