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机器人技术 Robotics IRB 6700 IRB 6700 新一代大型工业机器人 The next generation of large industrial robots 机器人系列是 大 The IRB 6700 family of robots is a natural evolution fo l- IRB 6700 ABB lowing more than 30 years of large robot heritage at 型机器人 多年技术演进的结 30 ABB. This 7th generation of large ABB robots features a multitude of next generation improvements derived from 果。第七代大型机器人作为新一 intimate customer relationships and exhaustive engineer- ing studies. The I RB 6700 is more robust than its prede- 代的技术领先产品具备多项改进 cessor and maintenance has been simplified, making it 和提升。这些改进主要得益于对 the highest performing robot for the lowest total cost of ownership in the 150-300 kg class. 客户需求的细致分析和广泛的工 Not only have accuracy, payload and speed been enhanced 程研究。IRB 6700 与其替代的 in the IRB 6700, but power consumption has been lowered 之前版本相比,更为稳健且维修 by 15 percent and overall serviceability has been improved . The result is the most reliable and cost effective large robot 简化,是150-300 kg 负载等级 ABB has ever built. In fact, with the IRB 6700, total cost of ownership has been reduced by 20 percent and minimum 中性能最好并且总体拥有成本 time between failures has been calculated at a significant ( )最低的机器人。 400,000 hours. TCO Multiple variants The IRB 6700 enhances ABB ’s portfolio by combining greater Access to motors has also been improved and technical uptime, higher payloads and longer reach for use in Spot documentation for maintenance has become easier to read IRB 6700 不仅在精确度、负载和速度方面大幅超越,同时功耗降 采用具有图形化和 模拟界面的维护支持软件 “ ”, 3D Simstructions Welding, Material Handling and Machine Tending applications . and understand through the use of improved graphics and 低了15% 且总体可维护性得到提升,使其成为ABB 有史



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