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25 4 Vol. 25 No.4 2011 12 RIVE SYSTEM TECHNIQUE ecember 2011 : 1006-8244(2011)04-33-05 基于MATLAB /Simulink 的电动助力转向 系统控制算法仿真研究 A Study on the Control Algorithm of Electric Power Steering System Based on MATLAB/ Simulink ( 1) ( 2) ( 1. 200240; 2. 201620) H e Zim an( 1) Gu M engy an ( 2) ( 1. N at ional E ng ineer i ng L abor atory f or A ut omot iv e E l ect r onic Contr ol T echnol og y S hang hai J iao T ong Univ er s i ty S hang hai 200240; 2. Shang hai Univ er s i ty of E ng ineer i ng Sc ience S hang hai 201620) [] 简述了电动助力转向系统( EPS) 的组成机构和不同控制模式下的工作原理根据简化的 理模型, 将电动助力转向系统划分为了三 个组成部分, 并分别陈列了各 个组成部分的数学模型针对汽车不同的行 驶工况,提出了三种不同的转向控制模式基于电动助力转向系统的数学模型和不同控制模式, 在MAT- LAB/ Simulink 中构建了控制器的仿真模型通过追踪助力电机的目标电流,分析转向轻便性和路感, 验证 了本文施加的基本PI 和PWM 控制策略较好地协调了汽车转向时轻与 灵的矛盾, 提高了汽车转向时 的操作稳定性 [ Abstract The components of Electric Power Steering ( EPS) system and the w orking principles based on different control modes were described simply. According to the simplified physical models, EPS system was divided into three parts. The mathematical models of every part were established separately. Three kinds of steering control modesw ere introduced for adapting different operating conditions. On the basis of mathematical models and different control modes of EPS system, the simulation model of the controller w as built in MATLAB/ Simulink. Through tracking the target current of the assist motor and analyzing the steering agility and road feel, it is verified that the control strategies of PI and PWM proposed in this pa- per can regulate conflicts between road feeland steering agilitywhen the vehicle is steering, and the ma- neuverability and stability are both imp


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