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浅谈现代绘画的装饰性 摘 要 现代绘画发展至今,经历了不同观念的洗礼,其中装饰风是对 其影响比较重大的。由于很多原因,人们对装饰的态度褒贬不一, 有的喜欢、有的拒绝、有的冷漠……在对装饰正确了解的情况下, 我们可发现在绘画中适当融入一些装饰性的元素,对绘画的表现手 法方面是一个有益的开拓。笔者试图通过对现代绘画装饰性的历史 探究、对它的要素的分析,并结合当代中国的一些例子,希望能为 油画的发展提供更广阔的开拓的空间。 本文第一部分分析西方现代绘画出现装饰性的历史渊源,既是 由于社会的发展,受新的哲学思想、艺术观念的影响,又是受原始 艺术和东方艺术等外来艺术的刺激;第二部分以个案分析的形式阐 述了西方现代派画家对绘画装饰性的探索;第三部分着重从构图、 造型、色彩、肌理等几个方面来述说现代绘画装饰性的具体表现; 第四部分提出西方现代绘画装饰性对中国当代画家的影响及中国 画家在装饰性上的探索。最后我的结论是:绘画风格应是多样化的, 在绘画中适当融入装饰性元素是一种有益的开拓,但对装饰风的探 索不应只做表面的模仿,而应是画家思想与情感的真切体现。 关键词:现代绘画 装饰性 造型 平面化 Discusses the decorative character of Modern painting shallowly Abstract In the development process of Modern painting up to now, it is baptized by dissimilar ideas among which decorative character has the great influence .Because of many reasons, people’s attitude to decoration is praise or blame, someone like it, someone refuse it, someone is apathetic towards it ……Under the right understanding of the decoration, we can find that is beneficial to the expression of the painting if we integrate some element of adornment into the painting appropriatively. The writer want to provide more vast space to the development of oil painting by investigation to the reason of modern painting’s appearance, by analysis of modern painting’s element and some example of contemporary China . In this text the first part analyses the origin of the appearance of modern painting’s decorative character, that is because of the development of the society under which is subjected to the new philosophy thought and art idea, meanwhile it is stimulated by the originality art and east art etc; in the second part elaborates the exploration of painting’s decorative characte


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