硅藻土强化混凝去除微污染原水中的有机物 - 环境工程学报.pdf

硅藻土强化混凝去除微污染原水中的有机物 - 环境工程学报.pdf

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硅藻土强化混凝去除微污染原水中的有机物 - 环境工程学报

第6卷  第11期 环境 工程 学报 Vol.6,No. 11 2 0 12 年 11月 Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering Nov . 2 0 1 2 硅藻土强化混凝去除微污染 原水中的有机物 ∗ 徐亚斌  吴纯德   王  林  雷明秀 (工业聚集区污染控制与生态修复教育部重点实验室,华南理工大学环境科学与工程学院,广州510006) 摘  要  研究了联用硅藻土与聚合氯化铝(PAC)强化混凝对有机微污染原水中不同性质溶解性有机物的去除效果。 采用超滤膜和XAD系列树脂对微污染原水中溶解性有机物进行分级表征,物理分级表明分子量4 kD的溶解性有机物占 50%以上,化学分级表明原水中以憎水酸(HoA)和亲水物质(HiM)为主。 硅藻土助凝去除溶解性有机物,实验结果表明, 当PAC投加量30 mg/ L,硅藻土投加量0.5 g/ L时,溶解性有机碳去除率由22.5%提高到26.3%。 关键词  硅藻土  聚合氯化铝  溶解性有机物  超滤膜  树脂分级 中图分类号  X703    文献标识码  A    文章编号  1673-9108(2012)11-3919-04 Removal of organic matter in micro-polluted raw water using enhanced coagulation with diatomite Xu Yabin  Wu Chunde  Wang Lin  Lei Mingxiu (The Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Ecosystem Restoration in Industry Clusters,Ministry of Education,College of Environmental Science and Engineering,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou510006,China) Abstract  The removal of dissolved organic matter (DOM) from the slightly polluted surface water by the combination of PAC and diatomite was investigated. The DOMfrom raw river wasfractionated and characterized by resin adsorption (RA) and ultrafiltration (UF) techniques. The physical distribution of the DOM is that the fraction with molecular weight below4 kDa ismorethan50%. Theresultsshowedthat the molecularweight be- low4 kDawasthemainDOMinthewater sample. ThechemicalfractionsdistributionoftheDOMisthatthehy- drophobic acids (HoA) and the hydrophilic matter (HiM) are richer than others. The combination of PAC and diatomite removed DOM,the DOCremoval ratewasimprovedfrom22.5% to26.3 % with30 mg/ LPAC com- bining0.5 g/ L diatomite. Key words  diatomite; polyaluminum chloride; diss



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