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如何發表IEEE期刊論文 張 真 誠 逢甲大學 講座教授 中正大學 榮譽教授、合聘教授 清華大學 合聘教授 * 接近“善”知識-多讀高水準的論文 多聽論文報告,凡事打破砂鍋問到底,務求融會貫通 想解答也要想問題 要有創意點子 * 永遠和「奧運金牌」相比 題目和摘要須具有吸引力,Introduction要有三部曲,結論要簡潔有力,震撼人心,最好能指出未來研究的新導向或open problem Survey要完整,不可以遺漏重要的和必威体育精装版的相關文獻 方法愈簡單愈好 - Simple is good * 要用圖例解釋方法 要Interpret實驗結果,並做深入的分析與討論 品質至上- Quality is the way of our life Writing是一門包裝的學問;Technical Writing表達要通順 要珍惜Revise的機會,要鍥而不捨 * 回覆AE的信函範例 Author: Liu et al. Title: An Image Coding Technique Using Support Vector Machines and Principal Component Analysis Manuscript Number:?D-04-00093R2 ? With the reviewer’s excellent suggestions, it is extremely thankful and helpful to make the manuscript a clearer version. We have re-revised the manuscript according to reviewer’s very valuable comments; the main revised portions are listed as follows: 回覆AE的信函範例 Reviewer #2:?This paper describes a method for image compression based on the use of support vector machines in order to classify each block of an image into ``edge or ``non edge. A codebook is selected in order to compress the underlying information. Comments: Again the author spends lot of space in reviewing well known concepts marginal to the main contribution of the paper. The paper does not investigate theoretically and experimentally the main contributions in details. Globally the paper is clear. * 回覆AE的信函範例 ??In equation (2) ... the author should mention the variable under the minimum. ??Equation (2) has been modified according to the comments. ? The title ``related theories can be replaced with a `` review on SVMs... or Again the review on SVM, DWT... can be more concise with less details and more understanding on these materials instead of restating them... this is usually what a reader expects from a journal paper. ??As the reviewer’s suggestion the title of Section 2 is changed from the original “Related Theories” into “Review of Background” getting more appropriate for the contents of this section. However, due to this paper summarized different materi


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