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4 : 1000MW 2006 No. 1 1000MW 1 1 1 2 2 姚国萍 , 张仁龙 , 周芩芩 , 戴雪康 , 周忠平 ( 1. , 200240; 2. , 226242) : , ;600MW , , ; , :;; :TM215;TM303 :A : 1009- 9239(2006) 01- 0004- 03 Research and localization of lass fibre reinforced lastic cone g p for stator endwindin of 1000MW enerator g g YAO Guo_ in , ZHANG Ren_lon , ZHOU Qin_ in p g g q ( S h ang ha i T ur bi ne Ge ner at or Comp any L t d ., S h ang ha i 200240 , Ch in a ) Abstract: B esea ch on Siemen com an s mate ial s ecification of su o t in , the ote ties y p y p pp g p e ui ements fo localization of cone mate ial fo 1000MW ene ato a e d awn out. And based on q g the ast ex e ience of dev elo in and localizin stato cones fo 600MW ene ato , a actical p p p g g g p scheme to t ial p oduce gl ass fib e einfo ced plastic cone fo 1000MW gene ato is wo ked out. By coope ating with Nan_tong Ji_tai Elect ical Mate ials Co., Ltd., th ough esea ch on mate ial fo mulation and p ocess, sample test esults show that t ial p oduced cone fo 1000MW gene ato can meet the technical equi ements of Siemen Company. Ke words: su o t in (cone) ; mechanical o e t ; lass t ansition tem e atu e y pp g p p y g p 1 , 2003 600MW , 950MW ,


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