中文摘要:“好”字在几千年的历史演变中,由单纯的与“坏”相对发展为 .doc

中文摘要:“好”字在几千年的历史演变中,由单纯的与“坏”相对发展为 .doc

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“好”字的翻译 摘要:“好”字在几千年的历史演变中,由单纯的与“坏”相对发展为现今用法最为广泛的汉字之一。除去字典上的基本释义外“好”字逐渐和其他汉字组合成固定搭配,形成特定意义。因此,我们在对“好”字进行翻译时,不能一味地依赖字典上的解释,而更应结合环境,理解“好”字在特定场合下的特殊含义。关键词:字典释义 ;环境 ;特殊含义Abstract : The Chinese letter “好” has been developing in the historical river for almost several thousands years , and in the ancient time , it had the contrary meaning to the Chinese letter “坏”,but it has been becoming one of the words that are used yery widely . Except for the explanation on the dictionary , The Chinese letter “好” has combined with other Chinese letters to form some fixed phrases , which presented the special meaning in the fixed situation . Therefore , when we translate the Chinese letter “好”,looking up the dictionary is not only the way that we depends on ,the other is that ,we should understand it according to the context . The key words : the explanation on the dictionary ;context ;special meaning “汉语的‘好’与英语的‘Good’在两种语言中的运用都十分广泛”,通常情况下,我们一提到“好”,就很容易将其翻译为“Good”。但是,当对其进行深入挖掘的时候,会发现汉语的“好”并不是在任何场合下都可以译为英语的“Good”。’very kind of your mistress. 2、日常生活中,人们相互之间的问候,安慰,表示身体的健康状况良好等.如: (2)老太太身上好吗?(《红楼梦》) Is the old lady well? 3、表达相互的关系密切,相处和睦友爱.如: (3)……以前都在说这女人与那个本门哥相好得怎样怎样…… (五魁.《贾平凹小说选》汉英对照) ……before it had been saidthat this woman and this brother of hers-actually her first cousin-had been very close in such and such a way…… 4、通常作副词,用于动词之前,表示事情容易办,可以办。如: (4)这件事好办。 That can be easily arranged. 5、常作句子的补语,表示已完成,完善了。如: (5)贾政道:“那两件东西,你收拾好了吗?”(《红楼梦》) “Have you put those valuables away?”Chia Cheng asked. 6、表示答应,应允,征求意见。如: (6)“那谈谈对目前文艺形式的感想,好吗?”(《散文108篇》汉英互译) “Could you please tell me how you feel about the general trend of literature and arts at the moment?” 7、很,甚,太,表示程度,常做副词。如: (7)好热! It’so hot! 8、为表目的的副词,其意义为“为了,以至,以便”,可译为“so as to ”、“so that”等.如: (8)告诉我他的地址,我好去找他。 Tell me his address so that I can find him . 9、在汉语里,“好”字也可有不好的意思.当“好”用于反语中,常表示不满意,有责备和讽刺的意思。可将其译为感叹句,这时,肯定的句式便可表示否定的意思。也可根据意思进行意译,直接将其译为反面意义。如: (9)不肖子弟来办事,荣国府内好名声. (《红楼梦》) This worthless young master set in charge.Is giving the Ju


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