公务人员组织文化与工作绩效关系之研究 - 正修科技大学管理学院.pdf

公务人员组织文化与工作绩效关系之研究 - 正修科技大学管理学院.pdf

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公务人员组织文化与工作绩效关系之研究 - 正修科技大学管理学院

全球商業經營管理學報 公務人員組織文化與工作績效關係之研究-以高雄市為例 第八期 105.09 136 ISSN :2076-9474 公務人員組織文化與工作績效關係之研究-以高雄市為例 A Study on the Relationships between Organizational Culture and Job Performance- with Kaohsiung Public Servants as Example a b 林坤霖 楊東岳 摘要 隨著資訊透明化及台灣民眾 之教育水準的普遍提升,民眾 對於自己所付出及該得到的比率之衡量, 比起以往更加自覺,對於公務人員及政府的要求相對提高,在這種民眾期待之壓力下,政府在行政效 率與品質上需要積極地提升,再加上組織文化對員工的績效表現是有影響的,因此更突顯了公務人員 之組識認同、能力與績效表現之重要性。 本文係 以高雄市公務人員為施測對象,透過問卷調查瞭解公 務人員對目前組織文化認同與其工作績效滿意程度之情形, 並進而提出相關建議供主管機關參考與深 思 。研究結果顯示 :一、個人背景變項對 組織文化與工作績效方面部分具顯著差異。二、幕僚職系的公 務人員在組織文化上較為認同 。三、資深的及職等高的 公務人員在工作績效的表現較優。四、公務人 員的 組織文化與工作績效之表現呈 正向關係。五、在組織文化中,以科層型文化對 工作績效較具影響 力。 關鍵詞 :公務人員、組織文化、工作績效 ABSTRACT Recently, the standard of education of Taiwanese citizens is gradually increasing, coupled with the transparency of information, the weight given by people to the percentage of cost given up and benefit received are much more self-perceived than before. Also, an unfavorable image regarding the service attitude and job efficiency of public servants remains within people and a high expectation from government is also increasing. Organizational culture affects the performance of employees. Under the economic distress, citizens rely even heavily to the government; and under the pressure of public expectations, the government need not only consider the feasibility of strategies but also be aware of public opinion in the process of governance. Concerning the efficiency and quality of administration, perseverance for its improvement is more emphasis to the importance of the skills and performance of public servants. This study focused on the nature of human resource management with the use of public servants in Kaohsiung city as the research samples, hoping that it can e


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