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Geographical Science Research 地理科学研究, 2017, 6(1), 26-34
Published Online February 2017 in Hans. /journal/gser
Studies on the Carbon Emission Peak of
China in 2030: A Review
1 2,3 2 1
Xiaxiang Li , Xuezhen Zhang , Fang Wang , Lijuan Zhang
Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Monitoring of Geographic Environment, College of Heilongjiang Province,
Harbin Normal University, Harbin Heilongjiang
Key Laboratory of Land Surface Pattern and Simulation, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural
Resources Research, CAS, Beijing
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
st th st
Received: Jan. 21 , 2017; accepted: Feb. 18 , 2017; published: Feb. 21 , 2017
The carbon emission peak of China is an international focus. Here, we carried out a literature re-
view for the studies on the carbon emission peak of China in 2030 to summarize the study pro-
gresses. The literature review shows that these studies mostly were achieved by using models.
There are generally three categories of models, which are decomposition models, top-down mod-
els and system optimized models. These model-based studies show that carbon emissions of China
would peak around 2030 in the conditions of changing energy structure and industrial structure,
transforming the development mode, promoting clean energy and appropriately increasing car-
bon sequestration ability. At the level of provinces, the peak of carbon emissions would as well as
occur around 2030 with the supports of localized development road under the national
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