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低场MRI诊断急性膝关节韧带损伤应用效果分析【摘要】 目的 观察低场核磁共振成像(MRI)在诊断膝关节侧副韧带和交叉韧带损伤程度的准确性,并与手术探查结果比较。方法 2007年6月至2009年6月期间因膝关节外伤来本院就诊接受MRI检查并接受手术治疗的患者186例,分析比较患者的MRI检查和手术探查结果。结果 186例患者MRI检查显示侧副韧带损伤患者169例(90.7%)、交叉韧带损伤患者119例(64.0%),均经手术探查证实,灵敏度为100%;MRI诊断侧副韧带和交叉韧带严重度与手术所见符合率分别为93.8%和94.1%。结论 MRI可以准确地诊断内外侧副韧带损伤和前后交叉韧带损伤,并能准确诊断其严重程度,为临床治疗方案的选择提供可靠依据。 【关键词】 膝关节;韧带损伤;低场磁共振成像 Effects of Appliation of low-field MRI in diagnosis of acute ligament injury at knee joint YI Xue-jun,ZHANG Jie-hua.the Radiology Department In The 413th Liberation army Hospital,316000,China 【Abstract】 Objective This prospective study was designed to evaluate the sensitivity and accuracy of the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of acute ligament injury at knee joint.Methods 186 patients who underwent the MRI examination and surgery due to acute injury at knee joint during June 2007 to June 2009 in our hospital were involved in this retrospective study. We analyzed the MRI and surgical findings fromabove patients.Results Of 186 cases of patients with MRI examination, there are 169 cases of patients with lateral collateral ligament injury patients (90.7%) and 119 cases of patients with cruciate ligament injuries (64.0%). DOI:10.3760/cma.j.issn 1673-8799.2010.04.65 作者单位:316000解放军第四一三医院放射科 The sensitivity which was confirmed by surgical exploration was 100%. The consistent rates of MRI with surgery in diagnosis of severity of lateral collateral ligament and posterior cruciate ligament were 93.8% and 94.1% respectively.Conclusion Using low-field MRI examination in knee examination can accurately diagnose thecollateral ligament injury and cruciate ligament injury. It can accurately diagnose the severity of these injury and provide reliable evidences for clinical treatment. 【Key words】 Knee joint;Ligament injury;Low-field magnetic resonance imaging 运动不当或暴力常引起膝关节损伤,其中侧副韧带和交叉韧带损伤最为常见。MRI检查渐取代了已往的物理、关节造影、关节镜等成为诊断膝关节损伤的重要检查方法[1]。MRI具有无创、对肌肉、肌腱等软组织分辨率高、定性及定位准确等诸多优点。本院自2007 年以来对膝关节外伤均采用MRI 检查,现收集200


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