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SD22系列推土机 零件图册 零件图册 山推工程机械股份有限公司 零件图册 前 言 本零件图册对SD22、SD22D、SD22E、SD22R、SD22S五种型号推土机的通用件和专用件 进行了综合编制。 在本零件图册的零件明细表内,如适用机型栏没有说明的,则所列零件及数量为五种机型 通用;如适用机型栏标有机型号,则所列零件及数量为本机型专用。 发动机所属零件,详见发动机零件目录。 因产品改进所增减的零件,不再通知,请用户谅解。 FOREWORD This atlas includes the general parts and special parts of five models of bulldozers—SD22, SD22D, SD22E, SD22R and SD22S. In the list of parts of this atlas, if there is no specification in the “Applicable models” field, it would mean the parts and quantities listed are applicable to all the five models; and if specific models are indicated in the “Applicable models” field, it would mean the parts and quantities listed are applicable to the models indicated only. See list of the engines parts for details about the engines parts. Parts increased or decreased due to product improvement will not be notified separately. We are sorry for the inconvenience. 山推工程机械股份有限公司 前言 I 零件图册 目 录 发动机关联部件 1 ENGINE RELATED PARTS 1 发动机及附件安装(配NT855发动机)2 ENGINE AND ATTACHMENT MOUNTING (FOR ENGINE NT855)2 发动机及附件安装(配WD12发动机)4 ENGINE AND ATTACHMENT MOUNTING (FOR ENGINE WD12) 4 排气管与消声器(配NT855发动机) 6 EXHAUST PIPE AND MUFFLER(FOR ENGINE NT855) 6 飞轮壳总成(配NT855发动机) 8 FLYWHEEL HOUSING ASSY (FOR ENGINE NT855) 8 飞轮壳总成(配WD12发动机) 10 FLYWHEEL HOUSING ASSY (FOR ENGINE WD12) 10 出力装置 12 POWER TAKE OFF 12 出力装置润滑管 14 POWER TAKE OFF LUBRICATION TUBE 14 前支架(配NT855发动机) 16 FRONT BRACKET (FOR ENGINE NT855) 16 空气滤清器及罩(配NT855发动机) 18 A IR CLEANER AND CAP (FOR ENGINE NT855) 18 分动箱部件20 TRANSFE


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