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Later that day, when the Princess was sitting at the table, something was heard coming up the marble stairs. Splish, splosh, splish splosh! The sound came nearer and nearer, and a voice cried, Let me in, youngest daughter of the King.The Princess jumped up to see who had called her. Now when she caught sight of the frog, she turned very pale.What does a frog want with you? demanded the King, looking 專題製作–仿生獸 rather surprised.The Princess hung her head. When I was sitting by the fountain my golden ball fell into the water. This frog fetched it back for me, because I cried so much. The Princess started to cry again. I promised to love him and let him eat from my golden plate, drink from my golden cup, and sleep on my golden bed.The Kin g looked at the frog and thought for a while before he spoke. Then you must keep your promise, my daughter.The Princess knew she must obey, so she let 指導老師:詹世良老師 the frog to come inside. The frog hopped in after her and jumped up 林家和老師 into her chair and straight onto the table. Now push your golden plate near me. said the frog, so that we may eat together. As she did so, the 組員:114001 王鈺涵 frog leapt onto her plate and ate up all her dinner, which was just as 114002 何玫儀 well, because the Princess didnt feel much like eating.Next, the frog 114011 丁鍵曜 drank from her little golden cup until it was quite empty. Somehow the Princess didnt feel at all thirsty either! After the frog had finished, he took one great leap and landed on the Princesss knee. Go away you ugly, cold frog! she screamed. I will never let you sleep on my lovely, clean bed!That made the King very angry. This 目錄 研究動機 /SWOT分析 ….……………………………………………………….. 1 產品(DM)….…………………………………………….…………………………………2 核


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