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19987 EN V IR O N MENT A L SCIEN CE J ul. , 199 8 * 孙红文 黄国兰 王春节 宋文华 ( , 30007 1E-mail su nhong @ pu blic . tju e. com . cn) , 9 2 ( S cened es mus obli quus) , , . 1148h - 1 1. 094 1. 22 . . EC50 m g L N N N H , N . 2 , , , , . Toxic Effect of Azo Dyes to Scenedesmus obliquus and Relationship between Structure and Activity Sun H ong w en H uang Guolan Wang ChunjieSong Wenhu a ( D epart ment of E nv ironment al Scien ce , N ankai U niv ersit y , T ianjin 30007 1 E-mail su nhong @ pu blic . tj ue. com . cn) Abstract In or der t o disclo se the t ox ic eff ect o f st ru ct urally dif f erent dyes on aquat ic ecosys - tem , inhibit ion on t he g row t h of g reen alg ae Scenedesmus obliquus of nine az o dyes and t w o an - thraqu inone dyes w as st udied . T he mechanism o f t ox ic ef fect w as discus sed by analyz ing the re- latio nship betw een t ox icit y and st ru cture. 48h EC50 o f t he 11dy es w as bet w een 1. 0941. 22mg L - 1. T he number of N N in an azo mo lecule and t he hydrophilicit y and t he elect ronic prop ert y of sub st itut ed gr oup s can af f ect the t oxicity of az o dy es . T he t ox icit y mech anism w as furt her 2 co nf irmed t hat N N is f irst redu ced t o N H and then act ivat ed t o N ion which is the ac- tiv e fo rm and co mbine w it h bio macro molecules . Keywordsaz o dy es , Scenedesmus obliquus, inhibit ion of gro w th , st ru ct ure-act iv ity , r elat ion - ship. ,


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