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第26卷 第6期 重庆建筑大学学报 Vo1.26 No.6 2004年 12月 Journal of Chongqing Jianzhu Universit~ Dec.2a 分段降刚度法 混凝土杆系结构的一种简化试验分析方法 赵 博, 简 斌, 王正霖 (重庆大学 土木工程学院,重庆 400045) 捅要:针对预应力混凝土和钢筋混凝土超静定杆系结构试验中进入非弹性状态后的结构内力 难以准确测定的事实,本文提出了一种用于试验结构内力分析的简化方法——分段降刚度法。 该方法根据试验中观测到的各杆件区段的受力状态,将各杆件依其刚度退化程度分为有限区 段,并设定各区段刚度退化相对水准;再以试验中准确测得的关键变形量为校准点,经多次调 试找到能给出该关键变形量的各杆件刚度降低系数;并认为用各杆件区段降低后的刚度经弹 性分析求得的内力能反映试验结构的真实内力。经与一榀两跨单层大尺寸预应力框架考虑内 力重分布的试验结果对比,初步证明本文所提方法有效。 关键词:预应力混凝土;钢筋混凝土;杆系结构;非弹性刚度;试验超静定结构内力分析 中图分类号:TU31 1.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006—7329(2004)06—0057—06 A Simple Experimental Analysis Method for Reinforced Concrete Bar System Structures-—Sectioned Dropping Rigidity Method ZHA0 Bo,JIAN Bin.WANG Zheng—lin (College of Civil Engineering,Chongqing UI1i、rersiF,Chongqing 400045,P.R.China) Abstract:In order to solve the problem that the intemal force of statically indeterminate prestressed and reinfomed concrete bar system structures is difficut to determine when the structures come to the noli—elastic state,a simple analysis method of experimental structures’intemal force—sectioned dropping rigidity method is bmught forward.In this method,according to the loading state of bars,the bars are dMded into limited segments by the level of rigidity dropping,and the relative level of each segment is enacted;then the dropping modulus of each segment rigidity will be found by debugging time after time,and the checking point is the key distortion which was gained from the ex· periment;it is considered that the internal force which is calculated by elasticity analysis at the dmpped rigidity can reflect the real intemal force of the structures.It is basically proved that the method,which is bmught forw


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