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31 1 Vol. 31 No. 1 第 卷 第 期 昆明冶金高等专科学校学报 2015 2 Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College Feb. 2015 年 月 doi :10. 3969 /j. issn. 1009 - 0479. 2015. 01. 004 高层建筑物防雷检测技术研究 a b a a , , , 李光辉 苏莲萍 段有艳 田 甜 ( a. ,b. , 650033) 昆明冶金高等专科学校 电气学院 建工学院 云南昆明 : , , , 摘 要 随着国家城镇化建设步伐的不断加快 城市高层建筑日益增多 为减少和防范高层建筑物雷电灾害 。 , 国家对高层建筑防雷检测提出了新的检测技术规范 依据建筑物防雷装置检测技术规范要求 结合城市高层建 , 。 筑物防雷装置检测项目 介绍了新规范下防雷检测技术及实现方法 : ; ; 关键词 高层建筑 防雷检测 技术规范 中图分类号:TU976 + . 55 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009 - 0479 - (2015)01 - 0019 - 05 Study on Lightning Detection Technology for High-rise Buildings a b a a LI Guang-hui ,SU Lian-ping ,DUAN You-yan ,TIAN Tian (a. Faculty of Electrical Engineering ;b. Faculty of Architectural Engineering , Kunming Metallurgy College ,Kunming 650033 ,China) Abstract :With the accelerating step of urbanization ,the high buildings in the city are increasing. New national detection technology specifications for lightning detection of high buildings were proposed in order to reduce and prevent lightning rise buildings. Based on technical specifications of lightning protection device for buildings ,combined with urban high -rise buildings lightning protection device test items. New norms prevent lightning detection technology and implementation was introduced. Key


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