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The Recent Unemployment and Underemployment Situation in Hong Kong 近期香港的失業和就業不足情況 The unemployment r剖.e has risen 宜。ma record low of 1.1% 血1989 to around 2%血也e e缸ly 90s 組dcontinued 的climb to some 3.5% in mid-1995. It was at about 3.0% in early 1996. This article 也ms的analyse in greater depth the latest unemployed and underemployed population of Hong Kong. 失業率在一九八九年只有1.間,這是有紀錄以來的最低數字。九0年代初期, 失業率回升至2%左右,九五年年中更上升至約3.跳。在九六年年初,失業率 約在3.凹的水平。本文旨在深入分析近期香港失業和就業不足人口的情況。 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics August 1996 FBl The Recent Unemployment and Underemployment Situation 函HongKong 近期香港的失業和就業不足情況 1. Introduction 1. 引言 1.1 The Census and Statistics Department has been 1.1 政府統計處 自一九八 一年八月開始持續進行 conducting the General Household Survey (GHS) on a 綜合 住戶統計調查 ,以 搜集 有關 香港勞動 人口狀況 ∞ntinuous basis since August 1981 to ∞H∞t 的資料。 information on the labour force situation of Hong Kong. 1.2 The GHS is a sample survey whose rnain 2 綜合 住戶統計調查是一項抽樣統計調查 ,冒 在 objec位ve is to collect data on the labour force, 搜集 有關 勞動人口、失業和就業不 足 的資料 。 一些 unemployment and underemployment. Some 有關人口和社會特徵的資料 , 亦可從 而獲得。 information on the demographic and social characteristics of the pop叫油on is also obtained 1.3 官le survey ∞vers the land-based civilian non­ 1.3 這項統計調查涵蓋陸上非 住院平民人口,不包 institutional population. It does not cover hotel 括入住 酒店的過境旅客 和公共機構/社團院舍 的住 訂ansients and inmates of institutions; military 院人士、軍人 及其家眷、以 及水上居民。 personnel and the


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