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40 10 V ol40 N o10 2 0 0 8 10 JOURNAL OF HARBIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY O ct. 2008 1, 2 1 2 1 , , , ( 1. , 1500 0, E-m ail: qianjianfeng2002@ 163. com; 2. , 150028) : 为深入挖掘地表水等环境友好型可再生能源, 解决常规地表水热泵在寒冷地区应用 经济与技术 难点, 提出采集地表水凝固热 热泵系统 构想, 为此, 须掌握关键设备凝固热采集装置 管内冻结变化规 律. 采用近似方法分析冬季低温地表水 常壁温下管内层流流动水 冻结问题, 模拟不同工况下水流 冻结 特性及冰层增长 规律. 分析表明: 在 S tefan数较小 情况下, 显热影响可以忽略, 可采用准稳态方法对管内 水 凝固作近似分析, 且该问题 控制参数仅为水和冰层表面对流换热参数. 结冰初期某 一参变量变化对冰 层厚度 增长规律影响不明显, 而随时间 增长影响逐渐加大. 所得近似结果对凝固热采集装置 设计有重 要指导作用, 进而可使该技术拓宽到城市污水源热泵污水供水量不足 情形. : 凝固热; 热泵; 冰层; 地表水 : TU8316 : A : 0367- 6234( 2008) 10- 1566- 05 G row th characteristics of ice layer in p ipe when low tem perature surface water freezing at lam inar condition 1, 2 1 2 1 Q IAN Jian-feng , SUN De-xing , WANG Q i-xiao, ZHANG Cheng-hu ( 1. School ofMunicipal and Environmental Engineering, H arbin Institute of Technology, Harb in 1500 0, China, E-m ai:l qianjianfeng 2002@ 163. com; 2. School of Construction and Refrigeration Engineering, H arb in University of Commerce, Harb in 150028, China) Abs tract: In order to develop the environmental friendly renew able energy sources, such as surface w ater, and give a solution to the conventional surfacew ater source heat pump system on its econom ic and the techn-i cal d ifficu lties in the cold region, th is paper brings forw ard a new heat pump system w ith latent heat collection in w hich the heat collection device is a key equipm ent. So the freezing characteristics need to be grasped in the tube of the device. The problem of inner- w ater freezing in


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