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2 3 4 V ol. 23, N o. 4 2 0 1 0 8 POLLUT ION CONTRO L TE CHNOLOGY A ug ., 2 0 1 0 # 工程实例# , ( 太平洋水处理工程有限公司, 江苏 南通 226007) , , ; ; ; X 703; X705 A The D esign and App lication of Doub le M em brane P rocess in landfill L eachate T reatm en t Station ME I Cong-m ing, ZH ENG Shu-ying (Pacfi icWater Treatm entEngineering Co. , LTD, Nantong, Jiangsu 226007, China) A bstrac t: Th is A rtic le ta lles the leach ate treatm ent project o f Zh angj iagang garbage d isposal plant as a case stu dy to introdu ce the techn ica l design p aram eters, econom ic ind icators and treatm ent effect o f garb age leachate by using dua l- m em brane treatm ent from process design v ision. T he process h as the advantages w ith stable treatm ent effect and it is easy to m anagem ent and m aintenance. K ey w ord s: garbage leach ate; double m embrane process; sludge dispo sa;l recovery rate , , , , 93 , 22 , 85% , , , , , 90% [ 4 ] 25 m g /L, [ 1] , , 470 t/ d , , 160 m3 / d, , , COD , , 1 15~ 25 g /L, , 5 ~ 8; , , [ 2] ( M BR) + ( RO) ( RO ) , M BR W EHRLE BIOME


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