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   24   04         2007 04    :1006 - 9348(2007)04 - 0216 - 05 O tsu 李惠光,姚磊,石磊 (, 066004) :GAO tsu。O tsu, , , 。, , O tsu, 。O tsu, , 。, , 、。O tsu, , , , 。 :;; :TP317. 4  :B Autom atic Selection of Im age Threshold Based on ImprovedO tsu LI Hu i - guang, Y ao Le,i h i Lei (Yanshan Un iversity, Q inhuangdao Hebei 066004, China) AB STRACT:A theory of O tsu op tmi ized by GA is mi proved. The traditional O tsu is inefficient and the peak value of the ru le function m ay not be exclusive. The GA, wh ich confirm s the key operators adaptively, conquers the shortage ofO tsu theory. Them ethod based on genetic algorithm s and O tsu theory realizes autom atic selection of mi age threshold, and reduces the operation. The resu lt of experim en ts show that the m ethod is not on ly of h igher segm entation quality bu t also of higher computational speed. o, it p roved that the algorithm is righ t and efficien.t The theory of fuzzy operator op tim ized by O tsu, wh ich confirm s the key operators adap tively, is applied to mi age enhancem ent. The fuzziness and the noises are elmi inated efficien tly. KEYW ORDS:G enetic algorithm s;Im age theshold;Im age processing , 。 O tsu   。, , 、 , 。 , , O tsu, [1] , 。 。 、 。 2 O tsu (G enetic A lgorithm s, GA) O tsu、 、、, 。O tsu 0 1, [3] 。, 、


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